How To Join The Ward of Lore and Rules of the Ward

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How To Join The Ward of Lore and Rules of the Ward

Postby Dracmorda » Sun Mar 14, 2010 7:21 pm

Those interested in joining the Ward of Lore will find it quite easy to list themselves amongst our ranks; simply notify an Oracle of your wish to pledge to the Ward and it shall be done. Remaining in the Ward, however, shall require more of you...nnRULES OF THE WARDnIt is a responsibility charged to those pledged to the Ward of Lore to function as caretakers of Nyx's role play. It is our function to uphold a standard, lead by example, and nourish and support the rp setting of the guild. Without Nyx's torchbearers of Lore to lead, who else will stand to the challenge of teaching new clansmen who are ignorant to our ways, or weave tales through the guild stone that can inspire our brethren? As such, pledging yourself to the Ward Of Lore is accepting the Creed of the Ward:nn1. LEAD BY EXAMPLE. It is expected that you stay IC as often as possible. It is your job to show others that nearly anything needed to be said in /say, /yell or /guild can be said in character. This includes ((insert various OOC here)), smileys and other out of character text. The exception to this is that when in dungeon parties and raids, it is widely accepted that out of character chat is necessary, expected and acceptable by the guild and the ward. Private whispers can also be seen in this light, and can easily be sent with brackets (( notifying whoever you are whispering to that you are, in fact, out of character. nn2. TEACH OTHERS. While Nyx is an RP guild, it is also a guild that is open to welcoming people who are interested in role play but who are not necessarily schooled in it. Reach out to others who may be interested in rp and help them to understand what it is and how to do it. Remember that we all started somewhere, and more than likely we learned form someone else's example along the way. We need to pass this tradition along, and help others where we can. nn3. CONTRIBUTE. Chances are if you are pledged to this ward, you are more than likely creatively inclined in some way, so it is encouraged that you get involved and utilize your skills! Whether it be writing a tale about your character's history or painting portraits of guild members, we should all (as pledges of Lore) work to keep the website creative, interesting and up to date with fresh content as much as possible. We should all also work at creating, organizing and executing random role play in game whenever we can, and support others that are doing the same. nn4. ATTEND MEETINGS. With the restructuring of the Ward of Lore in full swing, we will now be hosting Ward wide meetings every month or two. While real life will dictate whether or not we will all be able to attend at the same time, you will be expected to show up to the meeting if you are in game. These meetings will give everyone a fair chance to have input on the direction of the guild's rp, and will keep us on track as far as the state of the guild's current rp storyline. n____________________________________________________________________nnAny questions, comments or concerns on these rules should be directed to the "General Lore disccusion/questions/comments" page.

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