To Dance with Shadows, Mattrim's Tale.

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To Dance with Shadows, Mattrim's Tale.

Postby Loilaton » Tue Dec 14, 2010 9:07 am

The Shadows danced across the room, the dim glow from the hearth casting a small pool of light on the wall opposite of the bed, and more importantly, the chest. The room was small, but not cramped, a bed was tucked against the wall opposite the window, at the foot of the wall sat a chest, a nice large chest. That was his target, from his view place outside the window Mattrim could make out a figure in the bed, twisted in the sheets, a Human, good, the man looked tall, but it was hard to tell from the window, but the fire in the hearth cast just enough light to make out the features. The man had short cut dark hair with gray at the temples, his harsh, angular face spoke of age. A Military man, he probably had a weapon somewhere close by, best not to get caught then. Matt opened the window slowly, just enough for him to fit through, lifting himself up he slipped through, landing on his toes in the room. The man turned in his sleep, Matt silently crossed the room, moving with that deadly grace that only people accustomed to stealth can, the man cried out in his sleep, Matt could see sweat on his brow. A Nightmare, the man must be having a nightmare, that was not good, people had a tendency to awake during nightmares, he needed to move fast. He moved over to the chest, and pulled out a lock-pick, he slipped it into the key slot, and put his ear to the lock, listening to the faint clicks as he moved all the parts of the lock into place. With the last click, the lock opened and Matt removed it, he opened the chest, and the hinges groaned, the sound amplified in the small room. Matt's heart stopped, his eyes fastened on the man in the bed, surely he must have heard, he didn't stir, Matt waited, counting the seconds, at thirty he decided the man was not about to get up anytime soon, and looked back into the chest. Inside was a dagger, with some sort of crest inlaid on the hilt, and the sheath worked with silver, it looked valuable, Matt slipped it through his belt and continued looking, at the bottom, underneath a shirt he found the scroll, the Alliance crest stamped on as a seal, that was what he had come for. He slipped the scroll into a pouch on his belt, and closed the chest, as he exited through the window,he paused, listening to the man's cries as the nightmare worsened, sighing he pulled out the dagger and left it on the floor, it was probably something important to the man, and that nightmare sounded bad. Very bad. Anyways, he had gotten what he came for, his mission was complete, the Alliance troop plans would be delivered to his Commander at Stonard, and then sent to Orgimmar for translation, and evaluation, maybe he'd get promoted, or transferred, the Swamp of Sorrows was bloody miserable, sighing he started back out of the Blasted Lands, it would take him a few days to get to Stonard from Nethergard Keep, he almost envied the man, he got to stay in bed, and keep the bloody dagger.
Mages are like dwarfs. Drink, fight, repeat.

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