Do You Roleplay in a Roleplaying Guild?

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Re: Do You Roleplay in a Roleplaying Guild?

Postby Swanthula » Sat Nov 21, 2009 3:39 pm

Well, I should know better. Every situation has more than one perspective. You must know how everything written must appear, but I can understand the value of an extreme, polarized perspective to make you think twice.nnSwan
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Re: Do You Roleplay in a Roleplaying Guild?

Postby Asarelah » Sun Nov 22, 2009 6:45 am

Dearest Swan,nnAye, the written word is oft times flat and without flavor, other than the immediate impression that the precise words convey.nnThere was no way to see behind the obvious in this case. Hence my lengthy explaination. I can't have you thinking I am completely insane for saying that I will miss our.... Resident Weasle. nn*grins and knows Loki will see this probably, and get his hackles up - but also knows that this Title is probably one of his most precious, even though he was never aware of it, and a singular distinction that made (makes) him one of the most valuable members in the service of Lady Nyx*

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Re: Do You Roleplay in a Roleplaying Guild?

Postby Lokistrazsza » Thu Nov 26, 2009 9:54 pm

Asarelah wrote:No offense taken, nor being given back here. This is just so that everyone knows why I will miss Loki so very much. Even though, at times, I have wanted to strangle him, and said so.nnLoki is trustworthy, steadfast and loyal. He never speaks anything that is not the absolute truth as he sees it. And he is passionate in his beliefs. IF you are fortunate enough to win his trust and friendship, there is no better friend. Anywhere. Ever.nnHe has been our resident voice of dissention, and listened to very carefully, for a very long time - even though he was never aware of this. He has kept me from making many mistakes, that I may have regretted, simply by making me examine what ever it was that was before me, with a different angle on the view.nnIF I say something is white, it does not matter how many shades of very very light grey it is, Loki will always say it is black. He has served a very valuable purpose in the Guild in that he has always kept us looking at things from both sides. Even if I did not admire him greatly and miss him as a person (in game and in reality), I would still miss the absence of his constant voice of opposition; which has added more clarity to guild affairs. nnLoki has served Lady Nyx in many ways that have all been very positive. But every guild needs this one negative heckling voice; that is brave and forthright enough to cry out no matter whose opinion it flies in the face of. It keeps the Officers on their toes. It keeps guild standards and policies stable and clearly reflecting the voice of the people. And he has been invaluable to Tribe Nyx if for no other reason, than for this reason alone.nnHe will be sorely missed - despite appearances. A great Knight has fallen. And I weep for the loss (seriously).
nnnI'm gonna miss you too Lah.. a lot. I'm not going to miss being constantly lectured by certain other people..just for having a differing opinion on things though, or having the way I'm going to play the game dictated(why anyone would pay monthly to be told what to do is beyond me, if the server/ToS allows it, it's fair game in my opinion). I think combining RP and PVP is a breeding ground for drama, which is pretty much the reason I split. I'm not gonna lie. I'm really liking being able to level without being killed by some level 80 jerkoff with too much time on his hands. The only time I need to worry about PVP is in the BGs now, and theres no level gap, and no drama. Just good clean fun. Since I play alliance over there, it's a good thing for you guys that Moon Guard is in a different battlegroup. *grin*nnP.S. - You spelled "weasel" wrong. :)
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Re: Do You Roleplay in a Roleplaying Guild?

Postby Asarelah » Fri Nov 27, 2009 6:11 am

*grins at Loki*nWell, spelling was never my long suit, and I am not going to correct it. I have other sterling qualities.n/hugs Lokin/misses Lokin/is glad to see Loki here !!

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Re: Do You Roleplay in a Roleplaying Guild?

Postby Partedhair » Fri Nov 27, 2009 8:23 am

I'd like to participate a lot more in raids. I know as a healer that would be better for all. Myself, I want to think last in terms of gear although it's critical when clearing. But mainly those that are not biased against my mana totems. 92mp5 over 109mp5? Is the leaning tower really leaning? If I happen to drop that type of totem then tough luck. If you're poisoned, you'll probably get the poison totem but briefly. I'm not good friends with h toc. I really have to take sedatives to relax my nerves before doing that. Not drugs, sedatives like facepalming and more facepalming. And on the sixth wipe, more facepalming, until a complete surrender and immediate evac from Icecrown. ETA: Immidiately. If you come up with a plan for my survival in h toc, Parted's all ears, hairs and awaiting a well thawed out plan. But if it's the easily said, "Dont die," you're not speaking taurahe. In the meantime, I'll do more homework on Ulduar bosses (EoE and other bosses for partedshaman survival) because I rarely sign up for raids. (Went through there twice. 1st with Jeridan of Hand and 2nd with Hazavan of Nyx. ) Real, real fun. I like that Ulduar boss that's a giant robot and she cries about her toys and you can't destroy her heart. Having difficulties with the "In the Mountains" boss. It's hard to find a full Ulduar runthrough video guide without music. nnI want to do more Ulduar. I am tired of wearing this dinner plate of a shield on my back. There are many Nyxians that are well trained, well geared that know their stuff and I respect them and I'm willing to listen to their strategies if their not as simply said as "Don't die." I am estatic with the raid progression turnout but my spirits would be lifted if I was apart of that progression too. I need to work on my heals. Many say it's not a problem. Why do I still feel like I'm not giving good heals? :/ My confidence can freefall at times. nn*Someone whispers into Parted's ear from a stepping stool* nn..?! That good to hear Parted excite Hazavan return! Parted go do 10-man Heroic Naxx with Hazavan!
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Re: Do You Roleplay in a Roleplaying Guild?

Postby Aitana » Fri Nov 27, 2009 10:24 am

Partedhair wrote:There are many Nyxians that are well trained, well geared that know their stuff and I respect them and I'm willing to listen to their strategies if their not as simply said as "Don't die." I am estatic with the raid progression turnout but my spirits would be lifted if I was apart of that progression too. I need to work on my heals. Many say it's not a problem. Why do I still feel like I'm not giving good heals? :/ My confidence can freefall at times.
nPartedhair,nnThe confidence you think you see in many of us is an illusion. When people tell me that I am a great healer, I smile politely and say 'thank you,' but I don't feel like a great healer. I stand in things that will kill me too often, or I simply forget to heal myself and die. Raid/party members still die and sometimes we wipe when I'm healing. My only advice to you is this: Heal anyway. Go ahead and sign up for raids. Eventually it will become less nerve-wracking and you won't feel the pressure as badly; enough to keep you on your toes, but not so much that it paralyzes you. The only answer to it is to face down the fear of failure. That has been my experience anyway. I don't know that I will ever feel like a great healer but that is beside the point. I like healing and it is fun for me once I get past the fear of failure.nnBack on the question of roleplay, I would like to see more opportunities for us to get together for random roleplay. I like to roleplay while fishing. If you see me out fishing, feel free to stop by and roleplay with me.

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Re: Do You Roleplay in a Roleplaying Guild?

Postby Lokistrazsza » Fri Nov 27, 2009 2:07 pm

Death by standing in the fire is a rite of passage for raid healers, since most of your attention is on health bars. With that said, you're one of the best raid healers I've run with Aitana.
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Re: Do You Roleplay in a Roleplaying Guild?

Postby Galeandra » Thu Dec 03, 2009 8:05 am

~ Aitana ~ I've played with a lot of healers and your skills on healing is definitely worth noting. You're great at what you do.nnSure, we all get nervous and confused when doing raids. Think about it, there are either 10 or 25 people around you fighting a boss (most likely his toenail since you're so small in comparison) plus, as organized as we are, it's still quite chaotic when you have 10-25 spells going off at the same time.nnOn top of that, as much as we may or may not know about each boss, we still have to keep on our toes because whether or not you're aware of some special attack, it's still one hell of an attack and something not easily evaded.nnParted, when you raid do expect to have your moments brushing near death. However, like any other member of Nyx, we're here for you and no matter what, the experience alone is what's the most beneficial so it's no worries if you fall because it's your first time. Just do your best, be sure to review those YouTube videos for each boss and go for it. You'll be surprised at what you can accomplish during your first raid =)nn~ Galeandra ^_^

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Re: Do You Roleplay in a Roleplaying Guild?

Postby Thomasbecket » Thu Dec 03, 2009 12:28 pm

[quote="Partedhair"] Why do I still feel like I'm not giving good heals? :/ My confidence can freefall at times. [quote]nnI don't know a thing about how the totemics heal, but I can tell you that your confidence will improve only with doing.nnI remember distinctly trembling at the keyboard when healing my first heroic. The day or so after, I ran an all Nyx heroic and let me tell you, I was doubly-nervous, to the point where I couldn't believe I worked so hard to reach 80, only to get nauseous at the thought of doing a heroic. I seriously thought about re-rolling. I know every class feels as though they are the most important element to a raid, but for me, when I first healed those heroics, I was racked with anxiety, knowing that a wipe would be solely my fault.nnI did my first Naxx runs with Silmeria at the helm, and I hated every single second in that place, for a long time. Fear of getting called out on vent, trying to do the safety dance with eyes glued to everyone's health bars ... feeling the weight (wrongly, but that's how it feels when you're getting to know a raid) of everything on you ...nnThen one run, spider quarter was a breeze, and then another quarter, and another, and so on. We wiped plenty, but I realized that I'd learned my job without thinking about my job. It just comes to you. Same thing with Ulduar (though now we're banging our heads against Hodir in Prime Time, and when the Hodir fight starts, sure I'm nervous, but a little less so now after downing him once and trying about a dozen other times. I'm looking forward to it this weekend [thanks for the frost-resist ring, Ulua!]).nnSeriously, get in there and just breathe. It slows down for you if you (try to) relax, and make sure you breathe. I catch myself sometimes totally tense and for a few seconds blanking, thinking 'omg whatdoido whatdoido whatdoido' and then I take a breath, things seem to slow down, and it works out. Remember that the other healers are there, too, and your fellow raiders are also level 80, and can take a little bit of a beat-down if you have a momentary lapse (usually). Last time we did Fire Crotch, actually, I froze at the beginning, even though I've done it a bunch of times. I literally had a "lol, wut?" moment and blanked on what to do, but after a few seconds, it seemed like second nature. nnI know this is a little jumbled. Just get out there and do it. It's like anything else in life - it gets a little easier with experience.nnFeel free to PM me if you have any specific questions.nnI'd also recommend not pugging raids. Everyone in Nyx is working together and seems to practice positive re-enforcement, as opposed to a militaristic lambasting for errors. You can't always undo someone's mistakes, either - that person standing in the voic zone or the pokemon circle? That's not your fault. We're healers, not magicians. If the RL says, "Parted, the dps isn't getting enough heals", it's not a rebuke, it's a tip for next time.
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Re: Do You Roleplay in a Roleplaying Guild?

Postby Yien » Thu Dec 03, 2009 1:31 pm

I would like to see more random roleplay. A thing Iv'e noticed that really helps? Point out a guild roleplay spot.. Just pick a location and say. 'Gather here to randomly roleplay', you'd be surprised at the amount of people who will go looking for it. I believe that rping face to face is very healthy, and that's why I personaly do not roleplay over guild chat. (That's just my preference.nnSometimes all you need to do is give it a little push, ask people to group up and rp, just find those locations and go for it. in an rp guild the only thing you need to do is be assertive about your roleplaying. If there's roleplay it will attract others, sometimes you just have to throw the first stone.nnI would love to help motivate roleplay but I fear I'm not very good at organizing world events as it's usually with PVP. Something I do need to get better at, but I would love to scrape together some 'on the front line' mission sorts of things.nnMaybe some day I will with more confidence.

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