Northrend Ahoy!

The zeppelin masters of the Steamwheedle Cartel have finally gotten their routes to Northrend open. This has allowed the forces of the Horde to begin their efforts against Arthas, the Lich King.

Certain revelations are coming to light, but I shall not begin into those until I can confirm them from multiple sources.

The Enemy of Our Enemy

Lady Nyx foresaw some discomfort amongst the ranks of the Lich King’s Death Knights. She sent out the call, and it was answered by one Baelphias, of no relation to my master Bael’spar; though one could be forgiven for thinking such.

Under her guidance, Baelphias formed a gathering of those that heard the call of Lady Nyx, Xyn they were called. Baelphias used Xyn to weed out those that would infiltrate our numbers in the Lich King’s name. When the time was right, they were inducted into the guild at the command of Lady Nyx herself.

As one might expect, this was not met with resounding adulation. Many of our own have been the victims of not just the Lich King’s soldiers, but the death knights specifically. Lady Nyx has demanded that we do as she bids, and accept them into our number.

Be wary of those death knights that are not sworn to our dark lady. Many of them still have a taste for the death of the Horde. Most of them wear Alliance guises, and will be easy to detect. However, their skill at arms is most formidable. Suitable weaknesses are still being sought.

Bael’spar’s Fashion and Gossip

There are those that will tell you that having an entirely black outfit will allow you to attend most functions with little fear of being out of place. With all the death knights roaming about, I find this bit of fashion advice outdated. Form and function sometimes requires the flair that full blacks can bring, but too much dilutes the effect.

Consider, instead, something with bright colours to compliment the black. Perhaps something to demonstrate one’s particular affinities. See how green spaulders, boots, gloves, and belts underline how unholy as well as fashionable a death knight could be. Use some blue to outline one’s icy heart.

If I’m not available for a style consultation, then perhaps you can persuade my new assistant, Ezraella, to offer you some of her time. She is far more than just Nyx’s new Umbral Champion of Lore, but a stunning figure of a Sin’dorei as well. I’m sure she will do us all proud.