Archive for July, 2010

Fashion Show!

Fashion Show!

Fashion Show!

The Murmur, V

To the Reader…
Good Evening fellow Nyxians! I must proclaim, tis’ a wonder to be amongst the halls of Nyx in these times. This very script may be the most important in Nyxian history, as it is fervent with glorious acquisition. The world of Azeroth has been purged of a notorious villain, and under Nyx’s banner has it been seen forthcoming. But this, my concomitants, is but an inch of what has graced our very eyes. Peruse these words with hubris, as we bask in the nocturnal elegance that is… Nyx.
Your devoted scribe and servant …

The Fall of the Lich King!!!

The corridors of Icecrown echo with the lamentations of the once lost specters of the fallen. The affixed souls of all the world’s mortal races savor a soothing calm as the bastard king, Arthas Menethil, is laid to eternal rest. The Lich King and his ilk were dispatched by the elite cell of raiders defeated the Lich King shouting “Nyx!” from the peak of Icecrown Citadel. Remember these times Nyxians, for history is written but once, and when our descendents look back upon these pages may their bosoms swell with a pride mightier than the strongest of Thrall’s thunderbolts! We, who align ourselves to the Shaded Lady’s bidding, shall stay the prominent hand of the Horde. But take heed all, enemies and comrades alike, this is but an inch of our legion’s might! Our feats shall be roared across mountain tops, yet our existence whispered within rumor. Our influence shall invoke a fire in the hearts of all the Horde, yet strike terror in those of our adversaries. Our strength shall stand prominent as we uphold the foundations of destiny. This world is ours to own. It is out birth right. We are hands of Lady Nyx. We are the Horde…

A group of Nyxs finest stand before the remains of the Lich King

A group of Nyx's finest stand before the remains of the Lich King

…And the Return of Nocturnal Queen!

Lady Nyx

Lady Nyx

LADY NYX HAS RETURNED! My words do not suffice for the truth behind the event. As we all gathered to discuss the state of our guild, there she appeared before our unknowing eyes. The Mistress’ presence brought hope for the faithful and terror to the faithless. Our hearts stilled in her presence as she addressed her champions one by one. I tell you children of the night, words are but meager in comparison to the euphoria of it all…

Gathering of the followers of Lady Nyx

Gathering of the followers of Lady Nyx

With the return of Lady Nyx, our ambitions were reignited as we once again saw with our own eyes the meaning behind our resolve. However, the Shaded Mistress brought with her prophecies of a bleak future. The future where the skies are riddled with black as smoke blots out the sun… A future where earth torn asunder and hell walks upon its face… A future where the survival of all shall be put into question… And most ominous of all, an enemy of Lady Nyx and all things living for that matter, shall bring to Azeroth nothing but terror and anguish. But what are we to do? How will we survive? Time shall tell… For now, all we can do is wait.

In Parting…

I leave you all with much to consider. Such as in life, when one circle ends, another begins. With rise of a beautiful moon come the shadows that develop in its presence. Your devoted scribe leaves you all to ponder, as so shall he. Think of your allegiance. Ask yourself what makes this legion so prominent. But if one were to ask me the question, “Where will Nyx stand in this existence?” Then I would bequeath to thee, “Why, at the summit of course…”

Your servant,

The Murmur, IV

To the Reader…

Hark, Children of the Night, and lay awake as your humble servant hums our Legion’s song. Unto us has the Lady of Shadows bestowed tidings of promise as revelations are enacted before our eyes. Rest your battered armaments. Let the tribulations of existence roll off of your shoulders. Take a moment to absorb the current events. This is the testament of our victory. This… is the Murmur.
~ Whisper


The halls of our citadel clamored with might, as Nyxians fervently awaited the arrival of their new brethren. Hopes reignited as a sign of our Lady’s hand arose. Whilst traversing the planes of existence, the Lady of Shadows made a pact with an elite cell of champions who carried upon their vestments the word “Insidious”. The mighty few traveled from their native plane of existence to meet the entity that was Nyx, in hopes of discovering the truths of existence while in return, serving Lady Nyx with their unmatched prowess. They brought with them not only promise, but truth that somewhere amongst the infinity, Lady Nyx was active. The assembly was legendary, as two mighty forces banded together under a single banner …

‘Twas a bitter cold morning on the Borean Tundra, as Ianodil scurried passed the unending bastion of arachnid Scourge and the tired and weathered guardians of Warsong Hold. A quick salute from the grizzly watch followed the exalted mage, as he hurriedly jaunted up the flight of steps to the War Room.

Ianodil looked across the crowd, seeing an apathetic Hellscream sitting upon his throne. In the center piece of the room stood a frozen divide. High Overlord Saurfang quietly chatted with the Nyxian representatives regarding the following situation. Ianodil waited as to take in the moment mentally capturing the scene before him; to his left, the curious Nyxians whispering amongst themselves of the rumors surrounding the glorified heroes in front of them, and to his right, the elite cell of Insidious soldiers waiting patiently to proceed.

The Oracles of Lady Nyx welcome their new brethren

The Oracles of Lady Nyx welcome their new brethren

Ianodil took a breath, and walked into the crowd. A quick nod to his authorities was all that was needed to begin. The full transcript of the proceedings are posted in our guild hall.

In parting…
The era of Nyx is on the brink of the revelation a new era within these halls. With new bright champions joining their wards as they charge into victory and powerful allies taking arms amongst our fold, the dawning of a new age of Nyx is imminent and welcomed. Our Dark Lady has shown her influence to us once more, now all that is needed is to bask in her prominence once more. Stay close, and listen thoroughly, for the murmurs carry with them the evidence of hope.

Your Servant
~ Whisper