Archive for July, 2008

A Find in the Ancient Ruins of Zoram Strand

 Maledicta Ebonharte writes Eyesore the Wizened about a recent finding she has made in some ancient Elven ruins.

Her findings  have startled all the scholars of Nyx… for according to the following Lady Nyx who was borne over 10,000 years ago, is named after a being of such power that is even much much older.

 Dear Eyesore,

At your request, I have taken it upon myself to help in the investigation, and upon hearing about some recently excavated documents from the depths of Zoram Strand, I decided to offer my services as a translator of the Highborne texts in order to further our search into Our Lady Nyx’s background. After hours of translation and reading some very dull correspondence, I think I have found something interesting. Here is a snippet from a letter I think must have been sent by Our Lady’s Mother to her own Mother shortly after the birth of our dear Lady Nyx. It is mostly mundane, and I almost missed it as I skimmed through the letter.

My Dear Mother,

I hope this letter finds you and my father well. I so enjoyed spending time with you and Father in Zoram, that it was with great reluctance I returned to Eldarath and my husband. Not that I was unhappy to be reunited with him, but I had missed you both so since the wedding and my taking up residence in his mansion. It was good to be home, if only for a brief visit.

All in all our union is a good one. He is a very considerate husband, although a little austere at times. My every need is taken care of and even my smallest whim is not too much trouble. I could not wish for anything more, except perhaps a little more time to spend with him. For he is very busy and seldom leaves his library, except to eat and to sleep. I’m so glad you allowed me to bring Althaya with me or I would go mad with solitude sometimes. But, I should not complain. My husband is a great scholar and his studies on the Black Dragonflight are second to none.

Still, if not for his preoccupation with Neltharion and his scions I would not have been able to come home to give birth to our daughter. Although, in keeping with his fascination he has decided to honour Neltharion by naming our daughter after the father of the Black Dragonflight’s own daughter, Onyxia. I feel a sense of foreboding about this, as though we may be cursing our daughter with bad luck at the very start of her life but he is unwilling to discuss the matter, so Onyxia will be her name. I have decided to call her ‘Nyx’ for short, as I am loathe to use her full name. I suppose I should be thankful that she wasn’t a boy, who would probably have to suffer under the dubious honor of being called ‘Nefarian’!

The rest of the letter goes on about domestic matters that would be of little interest to anyone except perhaps those who like to follow every boring single little detail of the lives of those who went before. I think the passage above is truly a revelation though, and if I still could, I would be very excited about such a find.

Well, I had better go, Forensia is getting a little twitchy and needs to go out and burn some things before she explodes. It seems that since her death the magic builds up inside her and has to be released regularly. Or at least that’s what she tells me. Personally I think she just likes setting fire to things, judging by the smile on her face.

Your friend,

Maledicta Ebonharte

The First Discoveries into Our Lady Nyx’s History

The following letters are from an era before we knew anything about Lady Nyx.

A wise, old orc hunter, Eyesore, writes Warburn Smoketusk two letters describing a recent discovery he has made.

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Nyx Gazette IX

Aitana has Been Recovered

A wavering voice that we all knew was Aitana came across our Hearthstones*. She informed us that she had succumbed to unconcsiousness and awoke in a dark place; injured. From the clues that were garnered by rescuers Sind, Ralleo, Warburn, Lanite, and Grellix; they converged in the Badlands where the druid would be found.

Sind was first on the scene, a long forgotten tomb. This proved unfortunate for the priest. A trap was triggered that rendered him immobile; cloaked in shadow magics and immense pain. Lanite arrived, and sensed the danger and was able to warn Warburn, Ralleo and Grellix to be cautious.

The mages, Lanite and Grellix cast what magics they could to see if they could free Aitana and Sind. Ralleo’s expertise in traps was put to some use. He and Warburn deduced that the runes that coated the walls had some connection to the trap. Where individual effort failed, their powers combined in chant to free both Sind and Aitana.

A brief argument ensued about whether to portal out, or to move the still unhealthy pair to the nearby Kargath inn. It was decided that the inn was a better choice, Sind wishing to avoid the perils of the Twisting Nether. At the inn, full healing was enabled; and Nyx is whole once more.

The Nyx Vault Robbery and Recovery

Barefoot received a rude surprise a few weeks back when she went to organize the goods stored in the guild vault. At some point, a once respected Nyxer had absconded with a number of valuable jewels. With the assistance of the Orgrimmar Savings and Tusks, the identity of the perpetrator was made known: Jinxa, a warlock.

With the guild mobilized to find her, clues surfaced that led to Azshara. En masse, the guild searched the treacherous cliffs and unfriendly shores of that land. It was Orvar that located an wrestled Jinxa into captivity. The jewels were recovered.

Jinxa was taken to the old guild house on Fray Island where a trial was convened. While it had been revealed that her demonic minion had been responsible for the transgression, it was ruled that Jinxa needed to face punishment as well.

For two weeks, Jinxa was forced to serve as a guard for the Crossroads. Not being merciless, Aitana provided a potion that dampened the voices that create the vocal cacophony of the Barrens.

A Letter to Nyx – Given to the Editor

Followers of Nyx,

Your transgressions will not go unpunished. Killing Al’ar was an act unworthy of the name of the Lady you follow. For her sake, and the sake of my nephew, I continued to give you passage into my home. I will be quick to rectify this as you continue despoil my home.

Was it necessary to destroy my void reaver? Tyc’ho Mon’tisto, master engineer, tore a fel reaver to pieces and rebuilt this finer piece of technology. Yet, you, the followers of Nyx are unable to appreciate the artistry wrought in this creation. Once it is rebuilt, then I will send it forth to rain doom upon you all.

Your passage within my halls is no longer free.

May Nyx burn!

Prince Kael’thas Sunstrider

Bael’spar’s Fashion and Gossip

The robe is a fashion choice that I have long left neglected. They do not get the shine or filigree that can be achieved by chain and plate. Lately, though, I have been sporting some of the finer made robes, and they are comfortable as well as functional. Many of them come with pockets large enough for two bottles of wine and proper glassware. Fashion with function.

There has been some fuss that the female Forsaken are not so pleasureable to the eye as the rest of their Horde counterparts. When I heard this, I first thought of Lady Sylvanus. Can it not be said that our Lady Nyx is not a sight to behold? I should think not. Just because your bones are revealed does not make them unlovely.