The following letters are from an era before we knew anything about Lady Nyx.

A wise, old orc hunter, Eyesore, writes Warburn Smoketusk two letters describing a recent discovery he has made.

My Dear Warburn,
Be assured that our expedition has retrieved a significant quantity of documents from the compound into which we have been delving. You may recall our initial curiosity regarding documents we found sealed in those large earthen jars, when other scrolls and books had been only stacked, or shelved, respectively. There were traces of magical wards on the jars and their contents, which is not that uncommon, but what was uncommon was the degree to which the magic had decayed. You know I have little familiarity with actual magical dating procedures, but if our mages are to be believed, the degree of decay in the wards would put the time of warding at between 8,500 and 9,000 turns ago. This confirms our initial conviction that this trove of knowledge is from the Middle to Late Highborn Period.
We had other reasons to believe that approximate dating for the find, as you well know, but the implications are clear from the special precautions taken with the documents warded in the jars, at that time, that they are significantly older still.Warburn, if our mages are not in error, and if my initial forays into translation are correct, we believe the documents preserved by the ancients were ancient even to the Highborn of that period, dating to the time of their origins, and had been preserved by them. In short, we conclude that the materials recovered from the earthen containers are actual documents from the Early Highborn Period, circa 10,000 turns ago! I cannot begin to express the excitement surrounding our efforts. Nor shall I try. You, more than most, know the importance of this find. No longer will we be limited to examination of the ruins and artifacts of that distant time. No longer will we be limited to the lore and legend of our oral traditions. We have actual documents from the time of the origins of the Highborn!And there is more, though I can hardly believe it myself. At least some of the documents from the earthen jars relate to Our Lady Nyx! I had not dared to dream it could be true, but fact it is. The documents were well preserved to begin with, and our mages have worked wonders to produce clean, clear copies for us to work from. I will not claim translation has been easy, or without complication, but even at this early stage, there is enough similarity with the written records already extant from the Late Highborn Period to be certain that some of these written artifacts reference Our Lady.And Warburn, please tell Barefoot, for she has such an interest in Our Lady, that one of the documents would appear to be an account of aspects of Our Lady’s childhood. In particular, I am working on a section that actually addresses her childhood name, about which there has been some speculation. If my early efforts are confirmed, I think we have been in error up to now. But what a magnificent error! Forgive me the admitted drama, but if my interpretations bear out, Lady Nyx had a more auspicious beginning than we ever imagined. I still have a few challenges with this piece, and am collaborating with another scribe on site, but expect I will have a confirmed translation shortly.Until then, I remain your faithful colleague,Eyesore

 Warburn, barely had time to contact Maledicta and Barefoot on the matter when he recieved a second letter from Eyesore in ancient Suramar – now ogre and demon infested Dire Maul.

 My Dear Warburn,The translation of the previously referenced Lady Nyx document is complete, and confirmed, at least to the satisfaction of those scribes and linguists who have reviewed my translation. To avoid any confusion, let me be clear that there is a virtual treasure trove of documents from what we are convinced is the Early Highborn Period, and I am submitting only one section, of one document, in this missive.Furthermore, this one document appears to be part of a transcription of multiple accounts regarding our Lady Nyx, and she is referenced in other accounts also. More specifically, the following account matches the style and phraseology of several documents we are studying, not all of which deal with Our Lady. Our initial speculation, and speculation it must remain at this point, if not forever, is that this account was either written by, or dictated by, a spy in the employ of Our Lady’s household. While it is not uncommon, even in our day, for household servants to report on the activities of their charges, it is nevertheless intriguing that the subject of Or Lady’s name was worthy of comment and documentation.Finally, I am aware that what follows, being only one account, and of limited context at this point in our endeavors, is subject to multiple interpretations. Until now, we had wondered if Lady Nyx had a childhood name, or nickname. And if she did, what it was. Now, as you are about to see, it appears that Nyx was itself the nickname of Our Lady, and it was her given name that escaped the recordings of our histories. Considering the power held in a name, and the terrible energies wielded in the period in question, it may be no wonder at all that her true name was not in common usage. As to that true name, I leave you the joy of discovery from the translation of the original document itself:


“My Lord, per your esteemed instruction, I did manage to observe young Lady Nyx following her apparent retirement to her bedchambers last eve. The candles she lit gave sufficient light to resolve much of her activity, but even so, the viewing through the hidden eye was, by its very nature, somewhat obscuring. Fortunately, the panel does not inhibit sound, and it was without any difficulty that I can confirm our charge communes through the stone she possesses. As we feared, in spite of the cautions we have drilled into her, she spoke her birth naming, Onyxia, in her chanting. Even worse, and potentially more dire, I believe her magics were an attempt to communicate with her namesake, Onxyia herself.

Although you have trained me well to appreciate the forms of magic, I have to believe a mage, or even a mage scholar, would be a better choice for clarification as to the actual ceremony she employed. Her chant called to the laws of similarity, as she repeatedly evoked, ‘Like to like, dragon heart to dragon heart, Onxyia to Onxyia.’ Her hands moved in a steady, and repetitive, twisting motion, and there was an enveloping crimson haze about her arms and the stone. At one point, the light pulsed and flowed, as if her blood itself fed cords of crimson light. Then her hands ceased moving and the light stilled, but remained. Lady Nyx was as if in trance for the passage of two turnings of the glass, then the light faded. She sat back as if weary, then stood and put out the candles. I could hear her retreat to her bed, and can attest that no sound or indication existed as to her disposition of the stone.

Unless ordered otherwise, I will continue to monitor her arcane activities, as well as seek the hiding place of the calling stone. As to the risks she appears to court, that is above my station. ~Shade”

I know, Warburn, this passage raises many questions. We can hope other passages answer some of them, but it may be as likely that even more are raised, just as one hound gives birth to a full litter. In any event, can you believe it? Our Lady was named for Onyxia! Lady Onxyia! What could her elders have been thinking to give her a name of such awesome power? Moreover, what could Our Lady have been thinking to attempt, or mayhap even to succeed, at trying to commune with Onyxia herself? This passage only tells us that she was “young” at the time of the account. Too young to know better? Or just younger than this Shade, and more than old enough to know the danger she put herself in? Worse yet, the danger she risked befalling her people?Our council will have much to discuss, and this is just the first translation. I will return to my efforts, and assure you, I will endeavor to not let my excitement cloud my perceptions. Still, Lady Onxyia! Who would have thought it? Yet, it was right there in front of us all along: O-nyx-ia.
Your astonished colleague,

Onyxia is the daughter of Deathwing – formerly known as Neltharion. The Aspect of the Earth, Father of the Black Dragons and Leader of All the Dragonflights. Who went mad with corruption by the Old Gods who are imprisoned deep in the Earth of Azeroth. Neltharion created the Demon Soul, an artifact like none before it which contained the forces of all the Dragonflight Aspects. The Demon Soul was ultimately used to decimate the other Dragonflights, and those that survived were scattered to all ends of the World.

Onyxia is also the  sister of Nefarion, Lord of Blackrock Spire, the most feared Black Dragon besides Deathwing.

Mah Brothah Eyesore,
Jah’s discovery is indeed astoundin’. Tis kinda makes sense… Nyx… oNyxia. Had she conversed with the dragon, who was 10000 years younger then, and before the dragon betrayal that befell the Dragonflights and the Elves. Maybe she was one of the few that got the dragons to come to the elves aid during the first attack of the burning legion, but went mad t’rue ‘er paternal link tah Deathwing.Tis discovery brings up many new questions. What was Ou’s Lady Nyx’s relationship with Onyxia after the sundering? Where is dis stone of calling, be it still in exis’tense? What sort of relationship did dey ‘ave aftah Onyxia’s faddah, Neltharion, betrayed dah rest of dah dragonflights, and deh elves and bacame Deathwing. Questions don’ stop comin’ tah me mind.Keep up dah gud work dear Eyesore, an’ let us know how jur excavations and furthah translations go.Strength and ‘Ona,
-Warburn Smoketusk