The Dread Tower Still Beckons

It seems that Karazhan lives not by the rules that govern normal structures. Since it was cleared by our raiding forces, it would seem as though it has become reinhabitted. I asked around for information on how this could be. My search led me to Andorhol.

My contact in Andorhol was, of all things, a gnome named Chromie. She was refreshing in that she chose not to prattle on about Gnomish engineering. Instead, she calmly explained to me how Karazhan could be the way that it was.

“Time doesn’t always function properly,” she began. “In the case of Karazhan, the experiments performed by Medivh resulted in unmooring Karazhan from the regular flow of time. In fact, the tower itself has not moved in the time stream for a few years now.”

I was compelled to ask why Karazhan was not then like a sink hole, swallowing adventurers as they entered.

“Those entering Karazhan bring the time stream with them. Time flows while they are there. However, the dark tower is not fully brought into the stream. After a time, I’ve heard as long as a week, then Karazhan returns itself within a month of where it had been; sometimes forward, sometimes back.”

This seemed a bit odd to me, I asked her to explain further.

“Adventurers have reported to us that certain elements within the tower are ‘different’ when Karazhan has ‘reset’. Some researchers have looked into this, and discovered that Karazhan moves between 3 months. This is most easily demonstrated by what the Opera House is showing when entered. When we are less busy with some of our concerns at the moment, my colleagues and I will be looking more deeply into the tower.”

At this point, she became loathe to answer any further questions. My instincts bespoke that Chromie had answered all that she was willing to answer at the time, and that it was time to leave. I hope that this enlightens everyone a little more into the mysteries of Karazhan.


Awakeekielo Learns of Darkshire Hospitality

Reports have come in that Awakeekielo has been taken into Alliance custody. As my master, Bael’spar, has not yet revealed the outcome of this occurence, we can only hope that all rescue efforts are going forward successfully and that they are not harming this revered druid.

Hopefully, Gorehorn and Aitanna will have word for us on aid efforts’ success or need for more help.


Bael’spar’s Fashion and Gossip

While fashion and gossip are normally important parts of my life, it has come to my attention that a fellow Nyxer is in some personal danger. These words go to her-

Estemi, you have been a very valuable member of the guild, but if you continue on this path; I fear for your future. You have reported to us on attacks on Lady Sylvanus, Alliance doings in Shattrath, and the state of the Alliance’s sub-aquatic transportation system. It is not this that endanger you.

You have to eat something, Estemi. I know, all those Forsaken girls are able to fit into dresses that would be tight on a broom handle. It’s not worth it, though. Unless you can get the Sylvanus treatment, but then you’d have to talk with Arthas. He’s quit talking back.

So, please, I implore you, live healthy and eat healthy.

More gossip next week.


Zeer’s has posted a guide for hunters. Very much worth checking out.

Be sure to checkwow-raidar for raids, especially now that we’re looking at running 2 raid times.

There is also a Raid on Zul’Gurub for tonight (Feb. 21) whisper Warburn for invite, or sign up at wow-raidar.