Nyx Defeats Al’ar

One day, I shall be prepared, as they say, to venture forth into the Black Portal. Then, I shall be able to truly chronicle the tales of Nyx as they confront the Burning Legion and all forces that seek to drive all noble creatures into the darkness. Alas, I am still dependent on my patron and master, Bael’spar “Guardian Fist” Mon’tisto, Light of the Sun’s Fury, and Bearer of Titles That Would Stagger a Lesser Being; for the goings on in the Outlands and beyond. I apologize if anything I report fails to meet the highest standard of accuracy.

In the purple reaches of the lands known as Netherstorm, Tempest Keep hovers its vigil, keeping the mana flowing from the Twisting Nether to a form more accessible by all who…need…mana. As I have taken lengths to learn, it was originally built by the Na’aru; a fact that the Blood Knights are loathe to impart to those not amongst their ranks. Although, they will follow up that Prince Kael’thas saw that the Na’aru weren’t managing it properly, and…acquired…the reigns. Under the current facility administration, the mana flows, and the Outlands are being reborn. A new age dawns free from the Twisting Nether.

The ruling of Tempest Keep is no easy task. Prince Kael’thas is not often able to avail himself to those that would like to speak with him. Still, my master Bael’spar was able to get invitations in to the Keep (or Eye as some call it) for some of the renowned members of Nyx. Due to unforeseen circumstances, my master was not able to journey with them, but Prince Kael’thas has sent him word of the visit.

Aside from manipulating the forces that form all creation, Prince Kael’thas is a lover of avian forms. Having access to a multidimensional forces, as the Eye is essentially a moveable Black Portal, Kael’thas was able to obtain the rarest of rare species, Al’ar the God of the Pheonix. This was not a safari capturing, but a meeting of like minds. For Kael’thas is a Sin’dorei amongst Sin’dorei. The two could only see themselves as equals.

It was Al’ar that Nyx first encountered. The tale that filters back to me involves someone being hungry. In response to the statement of that fact, another suggested that Roast Pheonix may be a delicacy beyond all reckoning. Yet another quips that the bird is already roasting, perhaps braising might be better. After some arguing and infighting, it is determined that a bird in the air will never go into the stomach. Thus, from…hunger…Nyx attacked Al’ar.

While the noble creature put up a fight, it was not enough to turn back the forces of Nyx. Beneath their claws, sword, arrows, axes, and other implements of war; did the golden bird die. Little time did they have to truly dine on their kill, for the Void Reaver Security System went into effect, forcing Nyx to leave with all due haste.

Linkan has vowed that the Void Reaver will perish for having touched his hair.


Bael’spar’s Fashion and Gossip

Yellow is the color to be wearing.  We are wearing it in honor of Uncle Kael’thas’s fallen friend and pet.  Al’ar, we shall miss the light you brought to us.  May your wings carry you on the winds of the universe.

 Eating foul is out for the month.