
Indeed, welcome readers to the seventeenth edition of the Nyx Gazette. It’s been some time since the last issue was published, but I’m glad to see that everyone has returned to see the return of our wonderful news service. With this new edition, a new editor rises to take the reigns. While I am not privy as to what led the former editor to step down, it’s not of any concern, and I do hope all of his faithful readers will stick around.

For those curious, I am Kaylina Ashsaber, and I will be taking over the Gazette for the foreseeable future, tasked with reporting important occurrences to my esteemed guildmates much like I already do the arcanists of Silvermoon. I believe it a natural fit and am honored to find myself in this position. I hope I can live up to the previous editor, and I hope everyone enjoys what is to come.

Field Report: Nyx Brings The Fight To The Alliance

The first segment of this week’s Gazette is The Field Report. Stories from our battles against the Alliance and chronicles of our war efforts are contained within. All readers are encouraged to send in their accounts and images, as they may very well find a place among The Field Report!

The revered head of our Ward of War, Leothiel, has been making a considerable effort in the fight against the Alliance, as always. Leading us as we storm their battlegrounds and take what should rightfully be ours is just a small part of what our Ward of War does, but it has certainly been the most prominent in the past week. Both organized excursions and impromptu forays into the battlegrounds have been the order of the week, and not limited to just the Ward of War. May have joined the fight, and I hope they will continue to do so in the future.

Battlegrounds aren’t the only place battle occurs. All over Azeroth, Nyx continues to battle the Alliance, and even now I receive word of two recent skirmishes. Our own Ishar took the fight to the Kingship of the East himself, interrupting what reportedly was a party they were putting on that evening. The Kingship of the East responded as they always do, thirty to our one, but quick thinking and planning got Nyx out what could have possibly been a bad situation.

Retaliation eventually brought them to the Orcish capitol of Orgrimmar, but Nyx lay in wait along with several other guilds of the Horde, and under the expert guidance of Ishar the Alliance was routed and scattered. Perhaps next time, they will think twice before replying with force.

Danger in Azeroth: Progress and Preperations

The Danger in Azeroth portion of the Gazette brings you the results of recent Nyx outings into the world of Azeroth and it’s many dungeons,, ruins, caverns, and mazes, as well as updates on ongoing excursions and plans for upcoming ones. As with The Field Report, readers are encouraged to submit their accounts and captured images.

(Picture Credit: Filarius)

For some time, Nyx has been fighting to make headway into the halls of Ulduar, determined to put an end to the evil that has steeped itself so well within those ancient halls, and now at long last we stand on the precipice of putting an end to it at last. The ancient evil known as Yogg Saron is all that stands between Nyx’s expeditions and cleansing Ulduar once and for all. This very evening, Filarius led another brave collective of Nyxians into the stone halls, ready to do battle. While they were unsuccessful in banishing the Old God from the realm, they have made notable progress, an we can only hope that soon they will succeed in their task. Send them your cheets, Nyxians. They will need it.

While one expedition makes it’s way through Ulduar, the Ward of Trials continues to make ventures into other regions of Azeroth. In the coming week, being affectionately referred to by some as “Dragon Week”, two new trials are being held. Whispers have surfaced of activity in the cavern belonging to the Black Dragon known as Onyxia, and as one group prepares to investigate, another readies itself for another mission into the Obsidian Dragonshrine, held in the Chamber of Aspects beneath Wyrmrest Temple. We wish both groups the best of luck, and hope they are able to survive mostly unsinged.

Elsewhere in Northrend, the Argent Tournament marches forward. Despite disparaging remarks from the King of Stormwind, Varian Wyrnn (may his sharp tongue be quickly dulled by Lady Proudmoore), all matters of the tournament continue to function smoothly, with the “savage” Horde standing in the spotlight as the “civilized” Alliance taunts and mocks our success. Battles in the Crusader’s Coliseum have been going splendidly, and as more of Nyx’s ranks rise to be Champions of their homes and of the Horde, we await the inevitable call to battle from the Argent Crusade, the inevitable foray into Icecrown Citadel and battle with the Lich King himself…

And finally, Hallow’s End has now come and gone. The Headless Horseman brought chaos to several of the Horde’s cities across Azeroth, and to him we bring our blades and fire. Many Nyxians  made their way to Scarlet Monastery to try and deal with the menace themselves. All things said and done, the Horseman’s made crusade finally was put to an end… at least for now. A restless spirit is truly hard to put down, and the Horseman had these words to say as he was banished once more:

“Perhaps my time here now is done, but don’t dare think the battle won! Though for now my spirit rests, you have not yet passed my tests. I will return, this I assure. And when I do, once more my righteous might you will endure! AAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!”

Ominous words indeed, and I do somehow doubt this will be the last time we have seen the former Sir Thomas…

With the end of Hallow’s End comes the short holiday known colloquially as the Day of the Dead, favoured quite expectedly by the Forsaken themselves. It is a short set of festivities, so do be sure you find your way to your local graveyard, as a surprise may await. The festival ends tomorrow, however, so don’t wait!

Coming Soon: A Blessed Union Occurs, And Friendly Battles Await

(Picture Credit: Miaoyin)

Yesterday, something wonderful happened among the ranks of Nyx, Just yesterday, our Nightwarder of War, Leothiel Frosthawk and his betrothed Oneille Brightgrove were wed. The ceremony was held in the amphitheatre in in Duskwither Grounds, east of Silvermoon City. Numerous members of the Horde were in attendance, from Nyx as well as other tribes of the Horde. It was a truly wonderful ceremony, with both the bride and groom looking their best.

Following the wedding, fireworks and celebration were held in the same grounds, and all who were unable to attend truly missed out. We wish Leothiel and Oneille Frosthawk our best, and hope they prosper in these times.

This coming week sees a new kind of gathering for Tribe Nyx. Many are familiar with the earlier mentioned Argent Tournament, and the ousting that ensues on it’s grounds, but now Nyx is taking the jousting grounds to themselves for an evening, and holding a jousting tournament for all to see! There will be prizes and friendly competition, and all are invited to participate. If you would like to sign up in advance for a place in the tournament, be sure to attune your hearthstone and speak with Amyia as soon as possible. The tournament will occur this Wednesday, currently scheduled to happen around 8:30. Don’t be late!


Welcome to Spotlight, a section that presents a small article on one of our esteemed members of Nyx, so that you may get to know your tribesman all the better!

We are still looking for our first volunteer for the Gazette’s Spotlight feature. If you are interested in having a short biography printed and possibly an interview conducted, please inform me as soon as possible so that matters may be properly arranged.

Additionally, we are searching for short accounts and submissions from our readers, of the week’s occurrences as well short stories and gnomish image captures of the notable events of the past week. Please see below for more information.

– Kaylina Ashsaber


OOC Matters:

Schedule of Events:

(As with all events, be sure to check the In-Game Calender for the most recent times and events, and always, always sign up there if you intend to attend)

Week of 11-01-09 –  11-07-09


Special Events: The Darkmoon Faire begins in Shattrath!

Holiday Events: The Day of the Dead begins!

4PM ST: Ulduar 10 man: The final battle against Yogg-Saron! Hosted by Filarius


Holiday Events: The Day of the Dead ends!

8:30PM ST: Ulduar 10-man, hosted by Aleanathem


10:30PM ST: Onyxia’s Lair 10-Man. Hosted by Filarius

11:30PM ST: Obsidian Sanctum – 3 Drakes 10-Man. Hosted by Filarius


8:30PM ST: Jousting Tournament at the Agent Tournament Grounds. Hosted by Amyia

8:30PM ST: Onyxia’s Lair 25-Man. Hosted by Filarius


Special Events: The Darkmoon Faire Ends!

Greetings and Welcome!

In recent days we’ve had an influx of new members to Tribe Nyx, and while I have not had the opportunity to speak with them all, I would like to take a moment to welcome Damian, Velocitus, and Foulheart to Nyx, among many others who have joined us in the past few weeks. We hope you feel welcome in our community, and we wish you much luck in your endeavors!


I would like to take a moment to congratulate Wiindriider on her promotion to Umbral Champion. It was well earned, and I’m sure we all look forward to her further work with the Ward of Growth and Nourishment. An account of her promotion can be found on the forums at http://thenyx.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=38&t=3274&start=10, and I do hope everyone will congratulate her the next time they see her! It’s been a lot of hard work, and she certainly deserves it!


As noted several times, submissions are both welcome and encouraged! If you have something you wish to submit, please feel free to private message it to me on the forums, or email it to me at neograyfox at gmail dot com. Just don’t use in game mail, I might have an aneurysm copying what you send me over :p. I look forward to seeing everyone’s contributions, and only as a community can we make this gazette thrive!

Currently, the gazette is looking for short IC accounts of occurrences and events over the week (a sentence or two at best), as well as short stories and subjects for spotlight articles. Also needed are pictures to accompany articles. Please, I fyou have submissions, or are interested in being a spotlight, let me know!