Nyx Gazette


Welcome to the eighteenth edition of the Nyx Gazette! I woud like to apologize for the lateness of this week’s Gazette. Reports and work in Silvermoon has kept me far more occupied than expected, but rest assured that next week’s issue will arrive on proper schedule, and with more substance than the brevity of this week’s edition carries.. For now, I present to you this week’s Gazette. Next will see the return of The Field Report as well, cut this week due to a number of matters currently in flux. And remember, dear readers, the Gazette still seeks submissions from all of you, as well as a subject for the Spotlight article!

Danger in Azeroth: of Dragons and Trees

The Danger in Azeroth portion of the Gazette brings you the results of recent Nyx outings into the world of Azeroth and it’s many dungeons,, ruins, caverns, and mazes, as well as updates on ongoing excursions and plans for upcoming ones. Readers are encouraged to submit their accounts and captured images.

As mentioned last week, recently there have been many excursions into the various dragon controlled territories of Azeroth. Onyxia’s Lair, the Obsidian Sanctum, and the Eye of Eternity were all raided by the groups led by Nyx, but were unfortunately met with mixed success. Regardless, much was learned in these encounters, and Nyx will continue to press on as always until these challenges are overcome. Please speak to the various leaders in charge of these efforts, and join us as the battles continue on.

Once more, the Argent Tournament continues onward, and now Tribe Nyx is once more showing the Alliance how things are properly done in Northrend. Members of Tribe Nyx are once more making forays into the Crusader’s Coliseum for the Argent Crusade’s Trial of the Crusader challenge. An account of the most recent attempt can be found in a recent release by Ezraella here http://thenyx.org/?p=252 . Suffice to say, we should be proud of our fellow Nyxians for their perseverance and eventual prevalence, making new headway into the Trail that Nyx has never made before.

In the rest of this week, continued trips are planned back into Onyxia’s Lair, as well as the continued efforts in the trial of the Crusader and in Ulduar, where with every passing day we come yet closer to the defeat of Yogg-Saron. It is only a matter of time now, so stay strong, Nyx!

The Home Front: Love Continues to Spread

As announced in our last edition, a Jousting event was held last week on the argent Tournament grounds, a friendly get together between the members of tribe Nyx as well as friends from within the Horde. The event was put on by Amyia, who also served as the Master of Ceremonies for the event, and refreshments were provided by Stichenn and our own Oracle, Aitana.

Much fun was had by all, and some very hard battle were fought on the backs our tamed beasts. Thankfully, no one was seriously injured or trampled as the night went on, and ultimately it was Nyx’s very own Leothiel Frosthawk who came out on top, winning a prize consisting of gold and prestige both among Nyx and among the Horde. Congratulations, Leo! We all should look forward to the next friendly gathering, and I do hope Amyia can follow up the jousting tournament with something just as exciting in the future.

Last week, I brought you all news of the marriage of Leothiel and Oneille Frosthawk, and this week have yet another very special announcement to make: This Saturday, at 7pm, the love continues to spread through Nyx as our own Wiindriider and Partedhair are to be wed! A loction has not been decided, and likely won’t be available until the eleventh hour, but I encourage absolutely everyone who can to keep an ear out and attend if they are able. If you see either of the happy couple in the mean time, be sure to pass on your well wishes and words of wisdom!


Welcome to Spotlight, a section that presents a small article on one of our esteemed members of Nyx, so that you may get to know your tribesman all the better!

We are still looking for our first volunteer for the Gazette’s Spotlight feature. If you are interested in having a short biography printed and possibly an interview conducted, please inform me as soon as possible so that matters may be properly arranged.

Additionally, we are searching for short accounts and submissions from our readers, of the week’s occurrences as well short stories and gnomish image captures of the notable events of the past week. These are very much needed to help spice up the gazette and give it more of a community driven feel. Please see below for more information.

– Kaylina Ashsaber


OOC Matters:

Schedule of Events:

(As with all events, be sure to check the In-Game Calender for the most recent times and events, and always, always sign up there if you intend to attend)

Remaining Week of 11-08-09 –  11-14-09


8:30PM ST: Onyxia’s Lair 25-Man. Hosted by Filarius


9:00PM ST: Battlegrounds. Hosted by Leothiel

11:30 ST: Ulduar 10-Man: Yogg-Saron Final Battle. Hosted by Filarius


8:30PM ST: Ulduar 10-Man Primetime: Week Two. Hosted by Warzen

11:30PM ST: Trial of the Crusader 10-Man. Hosted by Hristoforos


7:00 PM ST: A Parted Wedding: The Wedding of Partedhair and Wiindriider

8:30PM ST: Ulduar 10-Man Primetime: Week Two. Hosted by Warzen

11:30PM ST: Trial of the Crusader 10-Man. Hosted by Hristoforos


A number of important decisions regarding important matters have been made recently, and it is HIGHLY ENCOURAGED that all who read this head straight to the forums to both see what’s up and to weigh in on the matter. Using the “View New Posts” option will make this much easier, and I apologize for the vagueness here. But rest assured, it’s in your best interest to check these out if you don’t normally check the forums.


As noted several times, submissions are both welcome and encouraged! If you have something you wish to submit, please feel free to private message it to me on the forums, or email it to me at neograyfox at gmail dot com. Just don’t use in game mail, I might have an aneurysm copying what you send me over :p.I look forward to seeing everyone’s contributions, and only as a community can we make this gazette thrive!

Currently, the Gazette is looking for short IC accounts of occurrences and events over the week (a sentence or two at best), as well as short stories and subjects for spotlight articles. Also needed are pictures to accompany articles. Please, If you have submissions, or are interested in being a spotlight, let me know!

Any comments, Concerns, Errors and Omissions  can be shared in this week’s Gazette Thread, found here.