Nyx Gazette XI – Full Moon Festival Redux

Farewell to a Friend

Linkan, Blood Knight, Hero of the Sin’dorei, Nightwarder of Trials, Defender of the Scryers, Champion of the Na’aru, and many other countless titles that he kept to himself; is no longer with us. We had a moment of silence to commemorate his absence, and recounted what had happened.

News had come to Linkan that his brother was being held in Tempest Keep. Fearing that time was against him, he charged forth to rescue his sibling. That is the last anyone has reported seeing them.

Barefoot has offered to work at taking his place leading Nyx’s raids, including an attack against Tempest Keep to discover Linkan’s fate. She will require all our support in continuing progress toward the Black Temple.

((Just for the record, the player behind Linkan is fine. Here is where he states his reasons for leaving.))


New Leadership

Lady Nyx saw the need to come forth for this meeting. She has promoted both Master Warburn Smoketusk and Archdruid Aitana Tallbear to Oracle to assist Lady Tomoyo with the day to day management of guild affairs.

 Master Warburn has been a loyal Nyx member for quite some time. Formerly a Nightwarder of Lore, he has been instrumental in many of our raids. Also, he has provided much of the flavor of the Shattrath and Orgrimmar marketplace with his “Powah Enchant” shop.

Running a guild is no new task to Archdruid Aitana. She was the guild leader of the Twilight Umbrage, a guild charged with stopping the Twilight’s Hammer from achieving their sinister goals. With the destruction of their citadel, members of the Umbrage joined under the banner of Lady Nyx. No one can say that they have not been assets to Nyx.

May there promotions serve Lady Nyx and themselves.


A Little Light Raiding

After all the announcements were done, duels were fought and dances danced. It was at that point that it was suggested that an attack be made on Jaina Proudmore. Due to the many concerns of those in attendance of the Moon Festival, we were not able to field enough to really take Theramore Island.

However, we were able to make our way to Menethil Bay. We took their castle. Then, we proceeded to Refuge Point where all the Alliance were driven from the Arathi Highlands.


Bael’spar’s Fashion and Gossip

I have not only lost a friend, but a rival. Linkan was not just a fellow Blood Knight, but a rather well dressed one to boot. Even more, his hair was nearly the rival of my own. I will not get into speculation of a compound discovered by the naga in Serpent Shrine Cavern that brings greater luster and body to one’s hair that he was pursuing. Nor, will I offer forth the fact that Prince Kael’thas, Lord of Tempest Keep, my uncle, is an ingenious alchemist and enchanter that provides me with all my hair care products. Linkan would not be so base as to attack uncle Kael’thas for that reason only, but I will speak no ill of those not here to defend themselves.

Let me say, that he will be missed, but Nyx is ready for the challenges that lie before us.