Zul’Aman is Being Tamed

With a great felt cheer, Jan’alai Dragonhawk lord of the Amani trolls has been slain. In all due time, the forces of Nyx will be dispatching Zul’jin, the leader of the Amani. This of course leads to the difficult subject of what should be done with the lands of Zul’Aman once the Amani have been defeated.

My master, Bael’spar Mon’tisto has suggested that since the Sin’dorei have been fighting a war against the Amani, the lands that they occupy should become a Sin’doreian protectorate. From there, a triumvirate of Blood Knights, Magisters, and Artisans could collectively form a plan to better utilize these lands.

Master of Elements, Warburn Smoketusk was overheard to be strongly in disagreement, “Dis place belong to dah trolls mon! And wit deh trolls it be stayin! Mah troll brothahs won’ be able tah contain dere hatred much longah, fo yah elves who took dere lands if yahs also takeh deh place where Zul’jin make ‘is last stand!” Perhaps either the Darkspear or Zandalar tribes will be seeking to make it into a memorial of Trollish Determination and Persistence.

An inquiry has been submitted to Lady Nyx to see if she has any intentions for the Amani lands. So far, there has been no response.


Nyx Scourges Ashenvale

After many reports of Alliance incursions against the Horde’s Splintertree Post, Ezraella sounded out the cry for vengeance. A fair number turned out, fifteen all told. Once gathered at Zoram’gar, the force made their way to Astranaar. There, they took a couple of gnomish mages by surprise.

Having caused the fall of one town, they travelled North to Dark Shore. After quickly taking the port town, the forces of Nyx journeyed on to Darnassus, the Kal’dorei capitol. Entry seemed to be no problem.

Thanks in no small part to Pack Spirit, a hospitable set of apartments was acquired. From there, the forces of Nyx were assaulted by our nemesis, the No Mercy Mafia. While our forces were capable of holding off a concerted attack for no short period of time, they were not able to hold forever.

Here is Ezraella’s report of the event.


Gearing for Northrend

As a series of calisthenics designed to prepare bodies and minds for unknown dangers, Pack Spirit will be returning to many of places that vexed Azeroth. The Black Rock Spire, Zul’Gurub, An’Qhiraj, and Naxxramas are likely targets of these exercises. Look to the Pack Spirit forums for more information.


Some Financial Advice

On the horizon, there is a new trade skill to be learned. Preliminary reports that have filtered through to this reporter have indicated that many of the chief ingredients and supplies for this new trade are herbs. It has come through that those wishing to make money in the Northrend economy are best advised to stock up on herbs that might be of use.


Bael’spar’s Fashion and Gossip

I have to wonder at the “success” of the 70 Elite Tauren Chieftans. When first they appeared, they were playing to sold out arenas. Granted, the audience was primarily murlocs, but still the early momentum of their rise to fame was readily apparent.

When they began to make appearances in Silvermoon City, obviously they were making plans for a big move. Yet, it appears as though they must have angered the wrong people, for their next concert venue was the World’s End Tavern in the Lower City. While some pity must be given to the refugees gathered there, I hardly feel that an awesome band is the balm they need when there are far more deserving souls on the Scryer Rise.

Imagine my surprise when I found them in the Grim Guzzler performing for a Direbrew coming of age ceremony. I would expect a band of the caliber of Gnomer-Head (the one’s whose amps go to 10.01) or Copper Stool. In having a word with Sig Nicious, I was able to deduce that Bergrist’s “dust” problem may be at the foot of their troubles. Chief Thunderskin’s assertion that Sig’s wardrobe/makeup expenditures exceed that of Bergrist during a binge seem to be completely unfounded and preposterous. Here’s hoping that Northrend will find them performing at larger venues.


OOC News

Blizzard Account Authenticators are once again in stock. The last set went out of stock in a few hours. Hopefully they will have more supplies this time, but it’s well worth it to have account security.