Flame Leviathan yells:

Total systems failure !

Defense protocols breached !

Leviathan unit shutting down !

On Tuesday, 21 April 2009, Nyians bravely ventured in to Ulduar together, for the first time.   After only three attempts, the first boss was downed – Flame Levianthan.
Under the leadership of Umbral Champion Silmeria, the Nyxians that entered Ulduar at  her command included Aitana, Asarelah, Hristoforos, Jeoy, Lanite, Lokimar, Stormcry, Tasera and Volkras.
The entire Raid party was well pleased with the results of this initial foray, and all are looking forward to more action in Ulduar next Tuesday night.  Y’all come sign up, ya hear ??