“As the world trembles beneath our treads, certain judgment creeps upon the sentient races of Azeroth. Nyx, the opaque jet of the Thrall’s legion, has always stood a firm representation the adamant determination, girth and freedom of the Horde. As the war with the Alliance quells, only lingering animosity thrives ever so sickly. However, as the blood dries on our blades and our spirits seek recuperation, the immediate quandary becomes evident; WHERE IS LADY NYX? For every enemy slain and every comrade lost, we look to our inspiration and find an empty dusted throne. We call out to the void… searching… wondering… waiting. Our cries echo out unto nothingness as reverberated shadows remind us of her dark embrace. And so, by the inclination of our very own Oracles, the Search for Lady Nyx has begun…”
