To the reader…

The Murmur will be your new facet of information pertaining to the Horde guild Nyx. I, your anonymous and devoted servant Whisper, shall be your guide in the upcoming weeks as we delve through the accomplishments of our own Nyxians as they make history. It is my sincerest hope that you rely upon these scripts to inform thee of the things done, and things to come. It is with my utmost felicity that I present to you… The Murmur.

May the Dark Lady baptize thee in penumbra… Whisper

An Unrivaled Tenacity: Glory to Growth and Nourishment!

A three week long struggle ensued as our very own Ward of Growth and Nourishment faced Kil’jaeden the Deceiver.

Fighting Kil'Jaeden

This achievement was inimitable however, because it was a GUILD FIRST! The Dark Lady knew that Kil’jaeden’s evil encroached upon her dynasty since his first intervention in Azeroth, so, in the Lady’s name, proud banners of the Horde and Nyx were taken up by her own legion, destroying her enemy even in her absence. What a proud moment it was as the banners were lodged in the floor of the Sunwell, gleaming with the gloss of felblood and the radiant glow of the newly reactivated Sunwell.

These precious captured moments are the courtesy of our own Filarius and Galeandra. To see the story itself, step into this plane… viewtopic.php?f=9&t=4994

To Look in the Face of Death, and Smile…

Another grand feat was attained by our brethren, as a merciless cell of Nyxian raiders and fellow Horde allies donning the banner of the “The Enforcer” infiltrated the kingdom of the Lich King, and battled their way to his very throne. They all took a moment to reconcile with the status of their situation, as memories of the Lich King’s tyranny besieged their consciousness. Hearts hardened as the razor sharp Icecrown winds whistled atop their vestments. As the brave few stood before him, they remembered everything… all the loved ones lost… all the missions completed… all the devious plots quelled… and as certain as they all felt, Filarius stated the thought on everyone’s mind as he clenched his weapon in hand, “At the end of all things.”

Before the throne of the Lich King

This captured memory was courtesy of our very own Filarius. To see this story for yourself, step into this plane… viewtopic.php?f=9&t=5039

A Caliginous Elegance: Stodesgier the Umbral Champion

A new face illuminates the halls of the Lady’s chosen champions, as the acceptance of Felmage Stodesgier Damonisch, Umbral Champion of the Ward of War, was constituted days ago. This tactile caster is recognized as a demon on the battlefield for his deadly malice, as he reaps his enemies and takes the liberty of relinquishing them of their souls. One may also recognize him as the Champion of the Horde, recalling when he earned the title in a tourney amongst our Horde peers not too long ago. Stodesgier promises to vanquish the Lady’s foes, stating “My shadows serve only the dark lady… ” and in turn brings great promise to future of the Ward of War. I pray for any fool that wrongs “The Fel Rose of the Twisting Nether”, for afterward you may find yourself convulsing as his favored minion Vilora strangles you with her whip, and the last image you see are of his beguiling eyes as he siphons your soul.


Ominous Events Ensue… Find Our Lady Nyx!

Our Legion has awaited the return of our Dark Lady for a time now. As earth tremors shake the foundations of our fears, we look to our druids for answers as Lady Nyx scours the planes seeking remedy. The council has decided our wait has been far too long, so we are now taking initiative to find the Lady of Shadows. Nyxians have come together to establish a new campaign and have attributed to “The Search for Lady Nyx!” The more we seem to search however, the more augur develops…

Take initiative in the “Tremors Investigation” and join the search right here! viewtopic.php?f=13&t=5002

Rumors From the Bard’s Chamber.



The Nyxian community flourishes with intrigue as of late. Some members have claimed to find pages of a journal that may belong to one of our very own Nyxians, Partedhair, and have begun to bind the pages together for him here viewtopic.php?f=15&t=5059.


The bride Leoness

Also on the horizon, wedding bells chime in the near future as Nyxians Desias Stormfalcon and Leoness Stormshot look to seal their vows under the name of Lady Nyx, and love. To reserve a seat at the reception, look here viewtopic.php?f=46&t=4936

Fresh Meat…


The Dark Lady has been offered a new regiment of servitors to give they’re lives for her cause. This last weeks herd consists of… Vindicta, a well-read paladin embracing the Ward of Lore. Let us hope “The Light” will protect him from the perils he must endure while in the service of our Lady…  viewtopic.php?f=39&t=4603

This was your very own scribe, Whisper, providing you with the latest of achievements and events in Nyx. The next time you’re wandering the slums of Murder Row, the Cleft of Shadow or the Sewers of Dalaran, pick up a copy of The Murmur from a shady dealer. May we all be baptized in darkness.
