Throm’ka, Traveller!

On this night I bring you news of Glory, Honor, and VICTORY!


On this night, the Followers of Lady Nyx downed Arthas Menethil, The Lich King!
His rise to his Frozen Throne of Vile brought countless deaths to Azeroth!
On this night, Nyx brought VENGEANCE to The Lich King!
The deaths that Arthas Menethil caused were returned to him hundredfold!

All hail Saevelas, Grawlix, Blightwind, Feylie, Predatoro, Aelyrra, Leothiel, Utada. Marzenna and Azulana!

Until we meet again, traveller. The next time we meet, it will be in a world bettered by this victory.

((This was the Nyx Prime-Time group. All members of this team are Nyx members.))