Sending Up a ‘Redflare’
In just a few short days, “Redflare” will be heading off to a place not unlike Lakeshire, but with more lake. To celebrate his entry into the service of the strange faction known as the United States Navy (sources are still unclear where this “United States” is), Redflare will be leading us through Shattrath into a night that will forever become a part of Nyx lore. Festivities to begin on Monday, February 4th, at 7-8 server time. Be prepared to be amazed.


Nyx’s Birthday Bash
Starting February 11th, we will begin the week leading up to Nyx’s second birthday with a promotion ceremony. Come see your friends and yourselves get the recognition that has been earned. Stay tuned as a week of events comes to fruition.

Arcanist Doan apprehended in Orgrimmar?

Far from the halls of the Scarlet Cathedral in distant Orgrimmar, the Scarlet Crusading Arcanist was mysteriously discovered in the Nyx library. Said this gazetteer when suddenly confronted with Doan, “Aiiieeee!!!” Before Doan could begin invoking his dark arts, a small fireball bounced from between the shelves. After his robe began to catch fire, he was immediately contained within a block of ice. 23 silver, 45 copper was spent from the guild fund to rent a shredder from Rilly Greasygob the engineer to remove the mage.

“I’m still not sure how he got here.” this gazetteer stated. Sources of the mage and the fireball are still unknown.

Source of the War
In the past few weeks, the Horde launched large attack on the major capitols of the Alliance. Nyx did their part bringing pain and suffering to the Kal’doreian city of Darnassus. The city of Elune fell beneath our blades.

Still, the real issue is what caused the action in the first place. To provide some clues, we interviewed Sculder and Mully, two proponents of the Shadowy Figure conspiracy theory. “Well, it’s simple really. Follow the money. Who earns when Darnassus burns? The smoking figure in the shadows knows. Try to get him to tell you, and you’ll only hear his lies. That my friends is the truth, and it’s out there lying in wait.” “What my partner is trying to tell you, is that we believe that someone other than Warchief Thrall had a hand in starting this. We suspect the Twilight Hammer, the Scarlet Crusade, the Agam’gor Cult, and the Explorer’s League.” “Yeah, I could never really trust a dwarf.” More as we learn better deatails.


Once Again, Bael’spar’s Fashion and Gossip
Anger is in, in, in. In repelling an Alliance attack, Lady Sylvanus never looked better as her visage darkened into a snarl of hatred. Pictographer Estemi managed to catch her in her full glory. Jewels are also in, add some power with that sparkle for the right ensemble. Kel’thas is planning something big. Many caterers have added blackout dates to their schedule to accomodate.




The non-RP Stuff is what we are using to plan our raids. Creating a profile is easy, and you can then sign up for our raids there. Our raid leaders would greatly appreciate you doing so, if raiding is your thing.