Nyxians Invade Vault
Nyxians Invade Vault

 A horde of Nyxian fighters, and friends, ventured in to the depths of the Vault of Archavon on Wednesday night; first in a 25 man event, and then followed by a 10 man event.  Both raids were lead by Stormcry, with Theotaz following as second, and Tasera as technical advisor. 




Emalon the Stormwatcher

Emalon the Stormwatcher


It was decided at the onset to give challenge to the “new Boss” in the eastern wing – Emalon, the Storm Watcher.  The Nyxian aggressors were prepared for carnage, and carnage did in fact ensue.  Many died, while trying to learn how to best this creature, and his 4 Tempest Minions – for all wanted a crack at the pieces of Tier 8 loot and PvP gear that Emalon is said to part with upon his death.  Stormcry laughingly joked that his armor repairs were nothing, in the face of the knowledge we gained while trying to drop this  beast and his forever reappearing entourage.





Death in the Vault

Death in the Vault


All in all, it was determined that our DPS was not high enough to kill the creature.  However, we have learned much, and now know how to go about it.  And when the time comes that our fire power is higher, we fully expect to litter the ground of the Vault with Emalon’s smoldering corpse.