The Dread Tower is Cleansed

Last week, Nyx forces, lead by Linkan, were able to finally make the tower of Karazhan habitable once again. All of the foul beasts that had moved in were forcibly removed. This is a great accomplishment for our guild, and we hope to follow this with even greater feats.

It was also noted that Lady Nyx has taken a personal interest in the matter. A few of the raiders involved were said to have strongly felt her presence after the tower was cleansed.


The Hunt for Redflare

In the most recent Gazette, Redflare’s departure for points unknown were highlighted. However, as Aitana, Linkan, Estemi, and Bael’spar can attest; there was more than met the eye with Redflare. Plagued by inner demons, he summoned the aforementioned to enter into Stratholme. It was a trap designed by a being known as Veraliss (sp?). After the four Nyxers fought their way through the city to the outside, the Veraliss creature challenged Master Blood Knight Linkan to a duel to the finish.

“I may not have the best arms and gear,” Linkan is quoted as saying, “but I’m the best at what I do.” Indeed, he handily defeated Veraliss, allowing Redflare a moment of clarity. With his opportunity to fight off the shackles of the unknown presence, Redflare ascended into Naxrammas, where the group was unable to follow.

Through their hearthstones, Redflare was able to say good-bye before facing his own personal demon. The results of that combat are unknown, but the outlook is unfavorable.

Currently, there are plans to get a party together to either rescue or retrieve the remains of Redflare. Volunteers are sought in this effort.

In the coming weeks, there is likely to be a Remembrance for our departed friend, followed by a planning session on where to go from here.


Bael’spar’s Fashion and Gossip

I believe that my servant may be overstating the case when he suggests that Karazhan has been cleansed. As much as I like Linkan and wish him well, I am not of the opinion that he took cleaning implements or staff to clear every room. Taking time out of my busy schedule, I went to give the tower the White Glove Treatment. Imagine my surprise at seeing the outside crawling with an Alliance infestation. Surely something must be done about this shameful affair.

Oh, and Ogre loincloths are out. Really. Don’t try to fool yourself. I understand that you once saw me at a party wearing one, but that was a party. I party all the time in Razor Hill. Indeed, I do. You would too. So what if that party was yesterday, the loincloth is still out. Out, out, out, I say.



And now what you’ve all been waiting for, the Second Part. Welcome to Non-RP Isle!*

Dhaarga has posted a guide for getting ready for Karazhan.

It’s fairly simple and straight forward guide. Everything is explained well, with links provided to further information and necesary addons. If you’re thinking of raiding Karazhan at some point, you might want to start reading here.

*Cheesy reference to “The Record of Lodoss War”.