A Letter from the Editor

A glance into my notebook has informed me that I have been remiss in reporting all the news that is fit for Nyx. I regret the path that has set me away from that calling, but I must tread where it leads now.

For the nonce, my master, Bael’spar “Guardian Fist” Mon’tisto, Light of the Sun’s Fury, Hero of the Sin’dorei, Nightwarder of Nyx, Fashion’s First Son, and Mrs. Wilkerson’s Finest Reader for January and myself are on an errand for the Grand Order of Librarians. Would that I could summon you all to where we are, just so that you may all see with your own eyes that which we are seeing.

In lieu of that, I shall be doing my best to transmit to you all our current situation. The Order has seen fit to allow me some communiques. Librarian Maledicta has gathered tid bits of information for us on the guild’s comings and goings. To her, I am grateful. Not only for that, but for not incinerating Bael’spar as she had intially felt like doing.

When our tasks are complete, I look forward to returning to chronicle the events of Nyx in my capacity of Nyx Scribe. Until that time, I have, under advisement of Bael’spar, asked a young druid by the name of Buruta to oversee the Gazette, and get some news out to all our guildmates.

As to his qualifications, Buruta is among the throngs of inscriptionists.  All the ink that is used in the printed version of the Gazette, unless you have a Gnomish imitation of the Elftronic Den’Kall Mk II. Then, we at the Gazette cannot be liable for the media that is printed out. This might explain the reports we are hearing of incomplete Gazettes.

That is the news from the field. In service to the Dark Lady,

Yaen’gohl Due’maes

Servant and Nyx Scribe

Who am I?

I am Buruta Kodofist. I follow Cairne Bloodhoof in his guiding of our people. I am a druid, and serve the Horde as a spokesman between the Warsong Outriders and the Cenarion Circle. I am an inscriptionist. I am doing a favor for Bael’spar.


Dateline: The Barrens

Alliance Problems

The Alliance are making more and more forrays invasions into the Barrens from Ratchet. I counted seven yesterday. Today, there are ten. If things continue this way, they will be a greater menace than the Kolkar.

Shortage of Tanks and Healers Continues

I am unaware of what a ‘Heroic’ is. Apparently, there needs to be a “tank” and a healer. I have tried to offer my claws, but was turned down as not being “prepared”, At other times, I have been busy, but strangers have run up to me to ask “wanna healz wc?”. This time of no tanks or healers has driven some of the Horde to madness. Cenarius has yet to teach me how to cure it. Many of the druids in Moonglow tell of the same in the Alliance lands. Beware the madness.

Dateline: Durotar

Books Can be Dangerous

Both Bael’spar and Yaen’gohl are learning to be wary of books. Let me add my own lesson. I followed Azim out of Orgrimmar. He seemed rather focussed on his master. I followed as unseen as I can manage. He spotted me, and challenged me. He raised not a fist to me, but opened a book. The book sent me to the ground. Some knowledge can be deadly.

Bael’spar’s Fashion and Gossip

Note from Maledicta – I was sorely tempted to hand Buruta what Bael’spar had submitted to me. I do not wish for the Gazette readers to get the wrong impression about Buruta’s handling of the Gazette. Thus, I will be editting, and perhaps commenting. The intent, though, is all Bael’spar.

I regret that I am not in Azeroth to describe all of the fashion trends that are occurring in Northrend. All that fur and shoveltusk blubber. To imagine all the sights that our friends the Kalu’ak are showing us.

Instead, I must while away my time working on my “High Gothic” with Nanda Ampule, my instructor. I admit that life in the pleasuredrome is not what one might wish, all the lessons take so much time away from the important things. Either a night of pleasure or a morning of beauty sleep has to be sacrificed to fit in these lessons. Fortunately, I have found a local substitute for blood thistle, but it seems to make the local police force upset should they find it on you.

Well, hopefully Yaen’gohl will take a while in finding this book he’s after. I wouldn’t want to fall behind in my lessons.